anyone else have KMs with terrible spelling? we don’t even correct ours anymore since the typos add a little bit of humor to the daily grind

by tengallonfishtank


  1. Maybe desplinery is the kind of action I want.

  2. fortyeightD

    Ok, I’ll take the leftovers for a romantic coffee, and if things go well then back to my place.

  3. ConfectionPutrid5847

    I tried dating my leftovers, but they can’t seem to hold up their end of the conversation.

  4. wheelperson

    Ok but how will they know if its not labeled? 😅🤣

  5. Lost_In_MI

    All of that time and energy Bill Gates put into a spell checker is in vain.

  6. wheelperson

    I’ve never has as many dates as when I work in a kitchen 💖💖

  7. Any-Practice-991

    Is that like getting spatchcocked?

  8. Ropeswing_Sentience

    Why are you not dating your shit though?

  9. meroisstevie

    Imagine getting mad at grammer and posting it online, when your kitchen isn’t even doing the bare minimum.

  10. rumbletown

    <bites lip> i didn’t date my leftovers, chef. can you desplinery me now?

  11. DongleJockey

    Damn, what the hell am I supposed to reticulate now?

  12. russell_m

    Our dishwashers list today included “detealing” the oven. Our oven isnt teal.

  13. SarahHumam

    lol my kitchen doesn’t label expiration dates at all

  14. 9999steps

    You know how they say you can’t read an accent…

  15. SplendiferousAntics

    The fact that refrigerator was spelled correctly is impressive

  16. DanimalPlays

    Well, now i want to mess it up just to find out what that even is. Might be great!

  17. galtpunk67

    the guy who printed this has a desk full of your sharpies

  18. bigredplastictuba

    One of my least favorite things about working in kitchens is how frikkin dumb people are

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