My husband said my lunch from Ranch 99 looked like facehugger meat

by esrmpinus


  1. calvinfoss

    I’ve seen a lot of weird, gross looking stuff on shittyfoodporn but I gotta say this takes the cake as the worst. Congrats! ..?

  2. 2bags12kuai

    This isn’t lunch , this is soup stock

  3. MasterCrumble1

    Are we really out here eating slimy deathclaw hands?

  4. Suitable_Goal_9066

    How could eat SO MUCH of *that*?

  5. chocolatemilkluvr420

    that is an uncomfortably large amount of duck feet.

  6. xltripletrip

    He is quite correct in his assertion.

  7. wantonwontontauntaun

    Yeah, a lot of SFP is just poorly photographed beige slop, but this is genuinely vile.

  8. tunachilimac

    Is this a real pain in the ass to eat? I’m down to try it but looks like mostly picking scraps off tiny bones.

  9. Lepke2011

    IDK. Facehugger meat might look appetizing.

  10. therealsix


  11. Godlesskittens

    Post a video of you actually eating this, I don’t believe you

  12. DifficultHeat1803

    In Gordon Ramsey voice: what the bloody fuck is that?

  13. danvillain

    Hell yes!! Duck feet and wings!!! Straight grubbin

  14. Warm_Banana_3495

    Shit looks like an Elder Scrolls ingredient

  15. salamat_engot

    It kinda looks like one of those AI generated images where it kinda looks like something you recognize but the more you look the more you realize it’s just random shapes.

  16. Fil3toFishy69

    Wow. I was in bed, pulled up this reddit and regurgitated my desert. Thanks OP. Just had to change my dam sheets! #WHYYYYYY

  17. NothingOld7527

    A double order of gristle, lightly boiled

  18. lobo_locos


  19. GuccMaster

    How does one eat this? Where do you start?

  20. Bildo_Gaggins

    are you like doing joints rehab? or skincare procedure? that a lot of collagen

  21. Steelpapercranes

    This just looks so…. unseasoned. Is that just- what, boiled chicken feet??? Plain????

  22. LucidMarshmellow

    Were you a vulture in a past life?

    Or maybe you’re a vulture who has somehow learned to post on Reddit?

    Either way, hats off to you for making me feel this uncomfortable.

  23. sylveonstarr

    I feel like this would actually slap if it were in a stew or something. But just eating duck legs straight up with no seasoning or anything is borderline psychotic. Why do people CHOOSE to be miserable when so many amazing recipes include this shit as a staple?

  24. Yellowperil123

    This is braised duck wings and feet. It’s actually really tasty. People have been eating it for hundreds of years.

    Just because the food is not from your culture doesn’t make it shit.

    Now if you covered it in marshmallows then yeah, it would be shit.

  25. Fluffy_Ad_6581

    Op, I’m trying to be open minded but honestly, that’s just vile

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