$3/bottle. Heading back tomorrow for more.

by Ok-Contribution472


  1. John_East

    2 smoked hab sauces? Are they actually different?

  2. elizaivy

    Currently eating the belizean heat on a hotdog. I’ll put it on anything

  3. Jumbly_Girl

    That’s a screamin’ deal, and all my favorites!

  4. terpsclusiv3

    Belizean heat is delicious and has a sort of ketchup twang to it. Love it on all kinds of food. Never tried anything from Marie Sharps but Belizean heat and white label habanero, so I definitely need to grab the other ones in this picture.

  5. murdmart

    That is a lot of well-priced smoked heat. Kudos!

  6. Pilot-Imperialis

    I’ve had 1 and 3 in the photo and can confirm they’re amazing.

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