I’m in shock! I ordered chicken fried rice from the new local Asian fusion place and this is what I got!!!

by Powerful-Dog363


  1. halffullofthoughts

    Are you sure you didn’t order fried CHICKEN rice?

  2. bhambrewer

    Fried chicken with rice. I don’t see what…. Oooh! Right.

  3. Economy-Visual4390

    Chicen,fried. & rice. Whats the issue? 🧑‍🍳

  4. PrincessKiza

    Ooh, had you eaten there before this?

    It reminds me of those “ghost kitchens” that pop up, operating out of an IHOP kitchen, delivering food that’s completely unrelated to your order.

    EDIT: Also, is that Basmati rice?

  5. AsleepInteraction882

    The must’ve heard chicken and plain rice instead of chicken w/ fried rice.

  6. DrCarabou

    All you gotta do now is throw the rice in a pan with soy sauce, butter, egg and frozen veggies.Then chop up the chicken and mix it in. You can salvage this funny situation

  7. Shingorillaz

    That’s not even the typical rice used it looks like basmati

  8. celticmoose

    It looks like they just walked over to the hospital, boxed up the closest thing they could find and resold it to you.

  9. Theloftydog

    That rice looks like polystyrene….

  10. iuwjsrgsdfj

    They thought you ordered chicken and plain rice is my guess… looks good to me.

  11. REDDIT_A_Troll_Forum

    tell me thats not how the plate came to you. o wouldnt pay for this

  12. wineb0ttle

    You are telling me a chicken fried this rice?

  13. RemarkableStudent196

    Is this from a real kitchen or a ghost kitchen??

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