Oatmeal and eggs

by Delicious_Delilah


  1. chang3la

    Are either of them in the room with us?

  2. mochiladecriancaa

    How tf did you make eggs look like that?

  3. StevesRoomate

    Separated by the culinary equivalent to the Berlin Wall

  4. Took all the moisture from the eggs and gave it to the oatmeal.

  5. NursePissyPants

    I know this one! What is refried beans and soda foam

  6. TerminatorAuschwitz

    Did you sneak a phone into jail?

  7. whatsbobgonnado

    in a nostalgic way, those eggs look good as fuck. they remind me of the eggs that came in those kid cuisine tv dinners. haven’t had them in years but can still imagine the taste lol

  8. WeirdSysAdmin

    That looks worse than army eggs somehow.

  9. genesissantiago

    I thought the oatmeal was a ham…

  10. dankhimself

    This needs just a dash of food and it’ll be fine.

  11. YoghurtSnodgrass

    It looks like just the yolks from hard boiled eggs mashed up on the left. And gruel on the right.

  12. AleutJack

    That oatmeal looks like sausage gravy. The eggs look freeze-dried.

  13. BodyshotBoy

    The oatmeal looks like mystery meat thats been processed

  14. Interesting-Humor107

    That stuff on the left has gotta be drugs

  15. PJRama1864

    I didn’t know spam could go rotten.

  16. yerdadsbestfriend

    Why do the oatmeal and eggs come together? Like, the implication seems to be oatmeal and eggs together are a normal meal but I’ve never fucking heard that in my life.

    Do…do you mix the eggs in?

  17. JosephMcCarthy1955

    This is not delicious, Delilah

  18. SpeedBlitzX

    Looks like the kraft paramsean cheese on the left. With a big side of spam or other luncheon meat on the right.

  19. MasterOutlaw

    The eggs look par for a microwave meal, but I don’t think I’ve ever in my life seen oatmeal that appears to have the texture of cold gravy.

  20. Reasonable-Wing-2271


    Fine… r/Poopfromabutt

  21. SnooWoofers496

    Why does the oatmeal look like human skin?

  22. TheShredder9

    I honewtly can’t tell which is which, like it’s really a 50/50

  23. LeftToaster

    Looks like Styrofoam and Fat Bastard’s belly fat.

  24. Why does the oatmeal look like extra cheap ham?

  25. SoundOfMadness7

    Oatmeal? Nah dude that’s refried beans for sure

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