The idea is to follow a daily high-protein goal and weekly calorie goal (21,000 kcal). This should be easy after following a daily “shell”, constant staple foods, of about 100 g protein (including 40 g protein powder) and 1500 calories. This way, all one needs to do is count the calories and protein from lunch and dinner (instead of everything every day). Why? This is for weight-gain and bodybuilding.

By “shell” I mean a morning snack, afternoon snack, evening snack and drinks.

* 600 calorie breakfast
* 20 g protein
* Ideally, 275 calorie peanut butter apple, morning snack
* 7.5 g
* lunch
* Ideally, 250 calories 1/4 cup almonds + 7 apricot halves, afternoon snack
* dinner
* Ideally, 380 calories 1/2 cup walnut/ pecan night snack
* 14.5 g (including almonds+apricots from the afternoon)


~= 1500 kcal


* ~~120 OJ, 1 cup~~
* 250 soymilk, 2.5 cups
* 17.5 g protein
* ~~150 grape juice, 1 cup~~
* ~~130 vanilla protein powder, 1 serving~~
* ~~150 chocolate protein powder, 1 serving~~

By only using the foods accepted on a WFPB diet, the shell equals 1750 calories and 59.5 g protein (vs 2300 calories and 102.5 g protein). So 550 calories and 43 g protein difference from the juice and protein powder.

For a 3000 calorie, 160 g protein diet, this would mean lunch and dinner would have to be an average of 625 calories each. It’s possible, but challenging to get that many calories (excluding the drink).

Say one’s daily protein goal is 160 g. That means, a 29 g protein average for each lunch and dinner would have to be bumped up to ~**50 g** protein per meal. Now that’s a stretch. Most meals are 10-30 g protein.

# Solutions

→ larger breakfast (e.g., 1444 calorie smoothie)

→ sip some blended drink throughout the day: for example, a 30 g protein soy milk perhaps with quinoa blended together

→ different/larger morning, afternoon and evening snacks equaling 52 g protein total

→ ~2 cups of soymilk more for breakfast and ~2 cups more for dinner (or lunch)

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After the WFPB high-protein high-calorie shell is figured out, I’ll try to make one for nut free, soy free, gluten free, keto friendly and maybe IBS friendly.

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(Also, side note, why are seitan posts allowed here but not posts with a minimal amount of juice? I don’t understand that inconsistency.)

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Why 160 g daily protein goal?

* “two days after their last resistance-training session, amateur male bodybuilders required 1.7–2.2 g/kg.[[17]](”
* [r/ScientificNutrition/comments/mmwjpx/dietary_intake_of_competitive_bodybuilders_2015](

There’s also some recommendation of at least 160 g protein for natural bodybuilding in a wiki probably from r/gainit or r/naturalbodybuilding. I can’t find it though. The point is bodybuilders eat a ton of protein.

Dining and Cooking