Fantastic experience with new product by La Crueset

by marciestar

1 Comment

  1. marciestar

    Used this recipe plus 3tsp dough conditioner

    There were one video I found online and the people were promoting it. When the reveal happened the baker exclaimed something about this being the magic and pulled out his loaf that barely rose over the rim of the flat bottom. Heck even the promo picture of the link I embedded had a pretty sad loaf. But my husband gave this to me for my birthday so I tried it and WOWSERS we were shocked. My expectations were low but even if they were not this oven made a great loaf, can’t get any easier. Most reviews I had read said a Dutch Oven is equal. I exclusively baked my bread in Dutch ovens and never had the rise, crunchy outside, soft fluffy inside as I had with this one.

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