north shore roast beef sandwich

by julianniefrank


  1. IamNotYourPalBuddy

    I like a rare steak, but this is pushing it

  2. Meanabix

    A good defibrillator charge would have that thing back on its feet in no time.

  3. violet-quartz

    This looks perfect. Apart from the beef, what else is on the sandwich?

  4. captainplanet171

    Looks great, all these naysayers just want their beef overcooked.

  5. BiasedReviews

    So gross. What’s rarer than blue? It’s moo…

  6. BadKneesBruce

    You guys never buy the rare roast beef at the deli? This thing looks delish

  7. Lucifer_thefallenone

    Straight outta butcher’s knife…

  8. Teh_george

    It seems like some commenters here might be unfamiliar with the roast beef three way from the boston metro, but this is considered as good as it gets. The roast beef is supposed to be medium rare, and here that seems correct. It looks more red than it really is due to image filtering upping the saturation.

  9. dopadelic

    I’ve seen 135F internal temp look like that. It’s a solid rare/med-rare depending on the doneness temp guides you’re following, which can vary a lot between different sources.

  10. Coercedbycake

    Kelleys? Mino’s? From where? I want one now.

  11. jimmytheloot

    To people commenting saying this is raw, the beef on a roast beef sandwich is…get this…ROASTED. It’s fully cooked BEFORE it goes on the grill for the sandwich. Also to the person who thought you had to cook roast beef from the deli…I’m so sorry for all of the terrible sandwiches you must have eaten in your life.

  12. Slimer425

    Even if I was assured it was cooked properly, idk if I could stomach eating that. It litteraly looks like raw meat

  13. Supah beef 3 way… Grew up on these. Mike’s Roast Beef and Seafood Lynn/saugus line is legit af.

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