How much dough are you all using for a 16 inch NY Style pizza?

by brogo340


  1. pongpaktecha

    Back when I worked in pizza we used 24 oz balls

  2. sonicjesus

    13oz seems to be my magic number but I make the outer crust thin.

  3. LazyAnonBoner

    Depends on the dough mix, but 400-450g for a thinner pie

  4. Hawkeye2011

    We do a New Haven style pies and our balls our 425g

  5. J_Kenji_Lopez-Alt

    Wow, the range of responses on this thread!

    Personally I use 300 grams for a 13-inch which would scale up to about 500g (17.5 ounces) for a 16-inch.

    For a Midwest thin-crust style I use 325g (11.5 oz) for a 16-inch. That comes out cracker thin.

  6. Boring-Blacksmith508

    200 grams or under for a pizza with thin crust

  7. brogo340

    I’m new to the 16 inch pizza game – usually make around 12 inch pizzas. For now I’m using 450 grams, but it’s getting a bit TOO thin for my liking. Really interesting to see all of your takes on this.

  8. d2mightyduck

    The formula for dough weight (in oz) =pie x radius (in) x radius x thickness factor

    Here is a general guideline on thickness factor by pizza style

    Thin crust (general): 0.10

    NY “street” or “slice” style crust: 0.085-0.10

    “Elite” NY crust thickness: 0.065-0.085

    Medium crust (general): 0.11
    Thick crust (general): 0.12-0.13

    Neapolitan 1 crust: 0.07-0.08 (for high-temperature applications)

    Neapolitan 2 crust: 0.095-0.11 (for home oven applications)

    Thin “crispy” cracker-type crust: 0.05-0.08

    Thin “tender” cracker-type crust: 0.09-0.10

    American style: 0.12-0.14

    Chicago deep-dish style: 0.11-0.135

    Sicilian style: 0.12-0.13 (however, I have seen as high as 0.15)

  9. mrjabrony

    15-16 oz dough for a pizza with a diameter of 14-15 in, mine look very similar to OP’s pic. Some crust, not super thick in the middle, but not cracker thin

    Been using Chris Bianco’s recipe from Food and Wine lately

  10. Hyla_trophe

    I regularly make 16″ NY style (street slice style) and use a 480g (17 oz.) dough ball.

    I actually measure ingredients to add up to 500g and then due to some water evaporation during mixing/ kneading and then some bowl residue, end up with 480g.

  11. grackrite

    For a 16-inch pie, I’m using a dough ball of about 450ish grams.

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