If you haven’t tried making shakshuka for a nice winter low caloric density/high nutritional density meal, I highly recommend it.

No recipe needed, just tomatoes (fresh, canned, leftover pasta or pizza sauce), peppers, onions, spinach/kale/chard/beet greens, and eggs! Sautée the onion, garlic, peps. Add tomatoes and spices and warm through. Wilt greens in the sauce. Crack eggs and poach with a lid on until whites are opaque and yolk is done to your liking. Easily veganized by making dumplings out of chickpea flour and water or just throwing in a can of chickpeas. Spice with anything you want, I like oregano, garlic, cumin, paprika. Cilantro or parsley on top. Serve with toast or potato or yam or tortilla or anything.

It’s warm, filling, nourishing. Can easily be made oil free. Makes a nice breakfast, lunch or dinner. Truly a GOAT if you’re calorie cutting or not.

by carefulthisonebites


  1. corgi-kisses

    I fucking LOVE shakshuka on toast 🤤 a quick and dirty hack i do is just spooning straight pasta sauce on bread, then poaching the egg in water as normal on the side and plopping it on top of the bread and sauce

  2. Beautiful-Star

    I ate it this morning for breakfast and have it 2-3 days a week.

  3. TheyMightBeDiets

    Yessss, I found my people! Shakshuka and eggs with zoodles is my jam.

  4. mephitmpH

    Holy shite im making this too. I put homemade garlic confit in with the paste, and fire roast my peppers. I try to get salt free tomatoes so I can add soy sauce or whatever aminos I have on hand. Smoked paprika, cumin and crushed red pepper flakes add coziness and warmth!

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