254 calorie souffle omelette with coleslaw and tzatziki

by MortalSmile8631


  1. MortalSmile8631

    First time I’ve cooked this and I’m proud of how it turned out. Look how thick and fluffy the omelette is!

    Omelette ingredients
    2 egg whites
    2 egg yolks
    Salt and pepper, to taste


    1 – separate egg whites and yolks into separate bowls. Add salt and pepper to yolks.

    2 – beat the egg whites until stiff peaks. Same way as how you would make baked goods and cakes.

    3 – pour egg yolk into the egg whites and gently fold in. You want to just incorporate it without removing all the air beaten into the whites.

    4 – cook on lightly greased pan on low heat, covered. 5 min.

    5 – fold in half and serve.

    Note: you can test doneness by lightly touching it with your finger. If eggs stick to you finger, cook a little longer covered. If it doesn’t stick to your finger, it’s ready to serve.

    Japanese souffle omelettes contain sugar so you could try that if you wish. I just prefer to omit sugar.

  2. Anon_Rawr

    Beautiful omelette!

    *(u/Haploid-life, look how not-burnt it is! Yum!)*

  3. FlyingTerrier

    Now look what i have to cook! Looks great.

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