I grabbed this from H-Mart’s “sushi” section. Is it safe to eat as is? Should I try to re-freeze before consuming?

by Birddoghaus


  1. ElSaladbar

    Those are safe to eat if they were in the sushi section. Just large scraps from what they used from their own sushi

  2. gettingit99

    This is definitely not sushi grade. Sushi grade is typically more than $25lb for salmon and more for salmon belly.

  3. kanna172014

    It’s making me hungry just looking at it.

  4. InfernalCoconut

    That is safe, like another commenter said it’s just the larger cut scraps from what they use in their rolls. It makes me want to go get a bunch of H Mart Tina for dinner

  5. moresushiplease

    I can still remember the distinct smell of hmart with all the cool live fish and stuff. I always went for the bulgogi though

  6. ladyashford

    Pound and a 1/2 of salmon belly?!! 🤤 Even if it’s only the ends and bits they didn’t want for the separate sushi they made, that’s a steal for only $6.50 IMO

  7. Grilledcheesedr

    Is my freezer the only one that goes below -20? I always see that automod reply and wonder. My last 2 freezers were below that temperature.

  8. MaterialBerry

    It’s just trimmings, it’s still good definitely don’t re-freeze might actually make it worse

  9. KimCheeHoo

    I would say it’s safe but as someone who breaks down whole salmon for sushi that’s definitely not from the sushi department, especially they way cut it.

  10. PoopIsAlwaysSunny

    Next time ask an employee! They’ll know best

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