Second pizza on the new pizza stone

by o_o_really


  1. _upnadam_

    Needs more pepperoni, but it looks good

  2. sunrise_speedball

    I’d eat that pizza crust first.

    Puts some garlic, herbs, and a little cracked pepper on there next time.

  3. GonzoTheWhatever

    Did you use the broil setting at any point? I’d like to try and get my top a bit more cooked like what you have in your picture here

  4. r_I_reddit

    I joined this sub just to ask this question but apparently all posts require a photo? I just used our pizza stone for the first time last week. The pizza stone directions said to put cornmeal on the stone prior to putting the pizza on. I put the cornmeal on, realized I couldn’t get the pizza off the paddle? and onto the stone so it took me a few minutes. The cornmeal burned? onto the stone. Since then I’ve been trying to scrape it off with a plastic spatula (directions say don’t use metal spatula and don’t submerge in water). My stone looks a lot like what it looks like is your pizza stone in the second picture.

    Two questions:

    1. I understand the pizza stone ends up getting “cured” or something with all of the previous pizzas so should I just move on and accept that this is what happens when you cook on a pizza stone?
    2. Recommendations on how to actually cook a pre-made dough on the stone? I was trying to piece together several recipes of cooking pizza on the stone but most of them called for making your own dough. I’m trying to take this slow since I’m still learning how to cook in general. A friend of mine says she puts oil on the stone but my directions said don’t put it on there directly.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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