[homemade] Yellow fat Biltong, South African air dried meat.

by Nuns-Rack


  1. GingerJacob36

    Is this cooked prior to being air dried? Can you share a link to the process of creating it?

  2. I would love to trim the fat and use it for cooking. That was one of my dad’s “secrets” to running a successful Philly cheese steak stand. He’s trim off all the fat, have it portioned out into 2-on cambrios, and let the fat melt with the onions and green peppers. So successful the line would block other vendors who hated us. I bet this tastes delicious! I love meats from around the world.

  3. MentallyMusing

    That looks delicious! Never had it but the fat surrounding a nice steak used to be my Favorite part and it reminds me of That. Yum!

  4. daggersrule

    Good biltong is hard to find here in the states, if you can find it at all. I eat so much whenever I’m in RSA.

  5. MadMadoc

    Looks amazing- did you use beef? What other types of meat can you do this with?

  6. eternalankh

    I was gonna say that meat looks dry af, but it turns out that’s the point. Looks tasty with that in mind.

  7. awkwardalvin

    How does one keep this food safe during the preparation? It looks good!

  8. imahillbilly

    I have never seen this before thought it looks wonderful! So I’ve spent the past hour digging up recipes online so I can try to make it myself. I hope I don’t screw it up! That would be such a disappointment.

  9. pieiseternal

    I haven’t had this in so long!!!! Looks perfect!!!

  10. mazurzapt

    I loved SA Biltong – I think I was there in about 2000. They had so many kinds now I can’t remember what I tried. Beef, ostrich… can’t remember them all now either.

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