Is this correct? Zero net carbs in boiled peanuts?

by JavaOrlando


  1. Illokonereum

    Definitely seems misleading. Even plain roasted peanuts have net carbs. It’s also hard to imagine there’s no sugars at all when the fourth ingredient is, well, sugar.

  2. CuniculusVincitOmnia

    It also says that the nonzero amount of potassium is zero percent of your daily value of potassium so I feel this label is just screwed up.

  3. RealMcGonzo

    Normally the ratio for peanuts is ~2:1 for total carbs/fiber. So yeah, this label seems pretty sketchy. OTOH, carbs are water soluble. Maybe they lose both oil and carbs when they are boiled.

  4. BigTIceman

    This is what you get for buying peanuts at the hardware store.

  5. paitor85

    I just checked my favorite 100% Peanut butter (so no single other ingredient is in there) and it has 12g of carbs, of which 5,7 sugar and 8,9 grams of fiber. These are per 100 grams.

    Those peanuts are roasted and grinded, no sugar or salt is added. So I’m puzzled how another brand could claim these stats

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