First attempt. Should my dough look like this??? This is this morning after rising overnight

by rollingpaperz


  1. rollingpaperz

    This is flour water salt yeast overnight white after about 13 hours rise time in my 70ish degrees kitchen. I was envisioning more of a dome rather than blob with isolated gas pockets.

  2. juddvan

    I’m not familiar with that recipe but it looks ok to me.
    Shaping next? You should have a better feeling after that.

  3. xxc_Bear420xx

    This seems like it’s over bulked next time try putting it in the fridge earlier. Although this looks like it could be an amazing fococcia.

  4. azn_knives_4l

    It’s over-fermented but should still work. Proceed with shaping. I’d cut the fermentation by an hour or two next time.

  5. FridensLilja

    To me it looks like it could be a yeast problem. Like it wasn’t solved enough

  6. Try two different tests

    1. Finger test: Press index finger into the dough ball to the first knuckle joint and release. If the dough bounces all the way back, it needs to ferment more. If it stays completely depressed, it’s over-proofed. If it bounces back leaving a slight indentation, it’s ready to pre-shape.
    2. Window pane test : Take a piece of dough and try to stretch it out and hold to the light. If it doesn’t tear, and you can see light through it, then it’s ready to pre-shape.

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