A full english while I’m in London

by Poulpatine


  1. AShinyRay

    Looks great! No Black Pudding and Chips don’t belong on a Full English, however!

  2. ruinedbyconversation

    Which monster put chips on it for you?! 🤦‍♂️

  3. Hot_Mongoose_3476

    I’m loving the bath of beans, but it looks like someone’s nicked half your toast!

  4. I thought the beans were in a giant mushroom for a sec.
    Also if you have to put chips on a full english they should at least be chunky chips. I’d still smash that though, I’m starving and its been months since I had a full english.

  5. toast_training

    No black pudding and wtf did they do to that poor sausage. 6/10 could do better.

  6. rtheabsoluteone

    Only in London would you get posh sourdough instead of normal toast! and fucking fries!

  7. SausageMcWonderpants

    Chips and hash brown.

    Full English is now just whatever the chef feels like putting on.

  8. flippinflappyfart

    Looks good needs black pudding and more of everything, chips shouldn’t be there but wouldn’t complain. Did the seagulls get to your toast ?

  9. systemic_empathy

    That poor sausage has been massacred.

  10. 420_Brit_ISH

    Geeza, this looks delicious, however chips aren’t a full English breakfast item. No chance.

  11. fluffycat16

    Chips don’t belong on that plate. Ever!

  12. DickEd209

    That sausage is a fucking insult to pork. 5/10

  13. andyone1000

    Looks great. Like the sourdough. They clearly have pretensions with the green stuff on the egg, but what were they thinking when they slipped the chips on there?

  14. The only thing there’s enough of is the beans but there’s probably too many since you’ve only got a pretentious chefs serving of sour dough! Mushrooms look like they’ve been boiled, tiny sausage is over and the bacon isn’t done enough as for the chip things, yuck. Oh, where’s the black pudding (I’m a convert to the stuff) and the fried bread? Bet they charged a fortune!

  15. Longjumping_Switch66

    That sliced sausage is an amazing idea, going to be doing that in the future I usually slice the sausage in half but my god that looks nice 👌

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