My attempt of a McDonald’s breakfast muffin ๐Ÿ˜‹

by nerdygamerxx


  1. Terrible-Bear3883

    If it tasted good then its a win

  2. Icy-Enthusiasm-2719

    It looks like you used the god tier cheese slices too. Dairylea.

  3. nerdygamerxx

    I’d share what I use but can’t add pic ๐Ÿ™„

  4. ftoomch

    Good work! Would defo eat!

    Egg rings do make these easier. I’ve also come to realise that there’s no better cheese slices for this than the cheap luminous orange ones that mimic the American ones. I have a pack in the fridge that are vile on anything else, but they do add something to the mcdonalds muffin!!

    Also, bonus points if cmyou cover or wrap it for 30 seconds. I find the steam softens the muffin ever so slightly.

  5. If you nailed the sausage patty, you are my hero

  6. scracth_the_sloth

    I did one of thes a bit ago then got obsessed with making it as close to a McMuffin as I could . Do the patty in your egg fryer so there the same size add cheep American cheese and add a few hash brown and a Tropicana for the full Experience only eat when your hungover after kipping at a strangers house

  7. Cars4Life25

    Mission accomplished! Return to base ๐Ÿ˜œ

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