I actually agree but I don’t ming HBs

by ManofKent1


  1. BrumGorillaCaper

    A good bubble and squeak is great, but the cheap frozen hash browns are easier and reliable. Can’t imagine ever missing a bubble and squeak on a fry up.

  2. Bungle71

    I don’t have hash browns as a lazy replacement for bubble and squeak. I have them because fried potato is damned good with fried eggs. If I have surplus roast potatoes from a roast in the fridge, I chop those up, fry them and serve them instead (I highly recommend this btw).

  3. Redditarianist

    The expert is right.

    Hash Browns are not English Breakfast material.

    Bubble & Squeak is the only acceptable potato based accompaniment to an English Breakfast.

  4. Hate hash browns. They don’t belong anywhere near any regional fry.

    Particularly those good awful triangular frozen monstrosities. I can forgive a home made one. But honestly I don’t think potatoes of any form should really be on a fry plate unless it’s potato bread or tattie scone.

  5. thedukeandtheking

    They may be a late addition, but let’s face it – they have become a staple. A quick look through the photos of this group will show you have ubiquitous they are. And for a good reason – they are delicisioso.

  6. AppropriateCoat9

    Never had hash browns as part of a fry up, always potato scones. And bubble and squeak ? Sure , circa 1920.

  7. CatFoodBeerAndGlue

    Nah, hash browns are a welcome addition to the English breakfast for me. Best thing to come out of America.


    Are they part of a traditional full English? No. Are they delicious and will I continue to keep eating them with my full English? Yes.

  9. BuzzAllWin

    The only time you’ll ever here me say this ‘we’ve had enough of experts!’ Backstabbing pob face intensifies.

    Seriously though fuck your cabbage ass fried potatoes.

    PSA: kids keep your green stuff in your joints and out your fry up’s.

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