Had this fry up this morning from a Brewers Fayre pub I’ve been put in because my block of flats had a gas explosion yesterday

by Hot_Mongoose_3476


  1. Hot_Mongoose_3476

    As you can see everything was anaemic and as disappointing as my life is right now

  2. ButtercuntSquash

    Damn. I hope you can get back to your flat soon.

  3. YousuckGenji

    I would have asked them if they could cook it next time. Sorry about your lousy weekend. Hopefully your flat wasn’t one of the explodey ones.

  4. Unlucky-Log1206

    That’s just an ‘up’ I don’t believe anything’s actually been fried

  5. Over_Entertainer8049

    Did they have their gas cut off as well?

  6. dyltheflash

    I think you can expect another gas explosion from that undercooked mess.

  7. WittyWitWitt

    Christ , that needs cooking longer…

    Them mushrooms gonna be sprouting kids if you don’t eat within like.. 10 mins.

  8. Enough_Passenger_754

    All brewers fayre food is like that, fucking grim

  9. Fucking albino mushrooms. Quartered in such a way you could use the undercooked egg albumen to glue them together and put them back in the garden. Bacon looks like a write-off too.

  10. IntelligentRip3829

    Please accept my condolences on this tough time in your life. It’s difficult to get passed events like this, even when you come out without physical harm.

    Oh, and sorry to hear about the gas thing as well.

  11. Acid_Monster

    Jesus. Looks more like a steam up than a fry up.

  12. Honberdingle

    Did you ask them to avoid going over 60°C?

  13. I-Like-Ripe-Mangoes

    When I’m prepping mushrooms I eat a couple of bites raw but I’ve never thought to serve them raw

  14. jus_plain_me

    Ironically this fry up could actually use a gas explosion.

  15. pab_1989

    Christ. Did they cook it with a hair dryer? It all looks so undercooked and flaccid. The bacon looks like it’s had its arse tickled by a candle.

  16. InGenAche

    Did they hear about the gas explosion and not wanting to scare you they cooked it in a Corgi trouser press?

  17. kidonbike

    Those mushrooms are egregious. They should be sliced like on a pizza. No one likes chunky mushrooms. Cue the onslaught of chunky mushroom lovers telling me off.

  18. Ask them when they are going to cook it…

    Sorry about the flats mate and then to be greeted with this for breakfast.

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