Braided Brioche – First attempt

by UnhelpfulNotBot


  1. UnhelpfulNotBot

    Recipe in the description of [this]( video.

    Ran into a few issues, but happy with the result. First product I felt was worth sharing.

    First of all, 1/4c of water does not equal 100 grams. Its like 56g. I’m not even sure why you would measure water in grams and not milliliters, but I used grams because he said those words.

    I activated my yeast whereas he did not. I didn’t realize that salt inhibited yeast. So after like 30 minutes my yeast wasn’t bubbly, but I proceeded anyway. Turned out nothing to worry about.

    Finally, strange lumps like lima beans or natto formed during the, very long, mixing. I took them out, cut them up, and added them back to the bowl but they just wouldn’t incorporate. So I finally just removed the mystery lumps.

    I need a bigger pan.

  2. parthpalta

    Hahahahaha! That is such a crazy bread!

    Can you please post the cross section too? I would love to see the shape

  3. TurnBasedEncounter

    I joined this sub for the name. I stayed for the bread porn

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