Zone 8A – Roma tomato plants are giving me some issues. Half of the plants (1st picture) are looking purple/yellow/thin look- my guess is they potentially have too much water?

The other half (2nd picture) are doing much better (already producing some fruit too). They are on smaller drip lines and have some slight over head cover from rain.

Or maybe more fertilizer?

by blahblahblahresearch


  1. Plantsnob1

    Nitrogen deficiency. A balanced fertilizer is needed. I do believe Espoma has a tomato tone. If not I know they have one for vegetables.

  2. NPKzone8a

    I’m also in 8a and (NE Texas) and we have had a lot of rain here. That, combined with low night-time temps (high 40’s) has made some of my tomatoes not look too happy. I think they will be OK when warmer weather comes. But right now the combination of too much rain plus cold nights has made some wilt a bit, some curled leaves.

  3. CobraPuts

    It’s probably the rain. Unless you screwed up your soil or fertilizer, it’s rarely a nutrient deficiency that takes out a small plant

  4. ASecularBuddhist

    Cold weather and overwatering will make plants look like that.

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