Moka pot goodness

by jumpinbananas


  1. AncientSwordRage

    How is it so slow and not Mount St Helen level of explosion? Also that looks incredibly precariously balanced…

    Source: have owned a mokapot briefly

  2. Bjarki_the_Bear

    Now I had to get one myself. Thank you.

  3. quasi-strAnge

    I love the mocha pots,
    But how is it yours so brand new .

    I’ve used mine so much, I have to constantly clean it up from the coffee stains

  4. GustavoShine

    I’ve tried, and failed to use a mokapot. The coffee often tastes burnt. I’ve tried lower heat. Any other tips?

  5. Placidaydream

    Wow! I don’t think I’ve seen a maka pot that clean ever. Amazing.

  6. Raymoz101

    I would love to know whether there’s much difference between the aluminium classic like this one or the stainless steel “Venus” model…

    And if people think the 2 cup version is enough for one person?
    Or should you do 3-4 cup version?

  7. [deleted]

    I have 2 types of moka pot …. pretty amazing coffee !

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