And okay look maybe you’re right, my life isn’t entirely on track… But this morning had a hipster breakfast at a small café and despite it being a poor financial choice that avocado made me feel like my life is worth living so no regrets

by This-is-not-eric


  1. barberstripes

    The will to live for the price of one avocado? Sounds like a great financial decision to me!

  2. vigilantcomicpenguin

    Now you’ll never be able to afford a house!

  3. geckoqueen25

    That looks absolutely delicious 😋. I would make the same choice

  4. karenclaud

    It’s probably the eggs that were the most expensive thing on the plate. They have gotten out of control

  5. authorized_sausage

    Oh no! You’ll never be able to afford a house NOW!

    ^(/s it looks delicious and worth it)

  6. slashy42

    I really don’t understand the avocados are expensive thing. I grab them in bags of 5 at Costco for $3. They are usually 5 for $4 at the normal grocery store, too. I’m keto so they are a staple for me as they are one of the cheapest things I can eat.

  7. slipshod_alibi

    Sometimes, your heart just needs an overpriced hipster breakfast at a small cafe💖 with strong coffee

    Hope it helped!

  8. CurrentAir585

    Life is about small victories. Learn to celebrate them.

  9. porterramses

    Good food is so important! Hang in there and keep thinking positive!!

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