Krispy Kreme Jelly Doughnut, Pulled Pork, Egg

by JONO202


  1. I-love-to-eat-banana

    The most American PutAnEggOnIt post that anyone will ever see.

  2. Fuzzy_Ambassador7784

    Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should

  3. AcousticDouche

    I like all of them separate, but dear god that looks gross.

  4. bullish_taco

    Never have I ever wanted to eat jam filling mixed with egg yolk.

  5. UnknownMyoux

    How to tell someone that you are pregnant,without telling them directly

  6. cityshepherd

    This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. My wife disagrees.

  7. quantumgambit

    I only have one question, what were you smoking and can I get some?

  8. restlessrioting

    Swap the pulled pork for bacon and I’m eagerly and unapologetically here for it.

    How was it?

  9. milksockets

    I’ve heard a rumor the jelly filling is actually applesauce

  10. rexius-twin

    I need to go for a jog just looking at that

  11. MenshMindset

    I am pretty against Krispy Kreme. Why do ALL of their donuts need a big layer of glaze?!??? That said, I’d eat this 100%

  12. kandlewax99

    minus the pork and doughnut, I have these exact ingredients in my fridge! BRB!

  13. awkwardoffspring

    I’ve never felt this much confusion in my appetite

  14. Accomplished_Bonus74

    Im an adventurist eater and often would enjoy even the craziest shit I see on here. I draw the line with this one lolol

  15. helpmefindthissongg

    I feel like this was going somewhere really tasty but then took a hard wrong turn at jelly filling

  16. Too much, I can hear my colon get gassy n sassy.

  17. withar0se

    I’ve been a vegetarian for almost thirty years and this sounds and looks incredible ; I’m literally salivating.

  18. Connect-Candidate430


  19. Starsidegirl1488

    What’s that saying now I become death destroyer of worlds but in this case a perfectly good egg 🍳 did it taste good 😌?

  20. vigilantcomicpenguin

    When they named the subreddit r/PutAnEggOnIt i don’t think this is what “it” was referring to.

  21. ImMaskedboi

    Yuck!! But also congratulations? Not sure what to say rn

  22. cobrarexay

    This actually looks super delicious! I’d eat it!!

  23. LividDistance6289

    You can’t serve this to people. It’ll cause…*death.*

  24. Pizzithian

    A dash of hot sauce and this sounds primo.

  25. Cuseyedrum

    People don’t get how good sweet with savory is ig

  26. theunbearablebowler

    Looking at this makes me feel ill.

  27. smkuster81

    This is right up my alley! I make a burger with provolone, bacon, diced jalapenos, over easy egg and a healthy smear of blackberry jam!! Try it!

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