Went to Goldees. Finally! Man, it was worth it. Brisket was perfection; perfect tenderness, all the fat rendered, no dry spots, crunchy bark. Sausage blew me away. Ribs were amazing. All the sides were great as well. “Beans” were actually basically a bean and brisket chili, super good.

Now I have something to aim for in my home cooks!

by OddCockpitSpacer


  1. CatalystGilles

    Looks fantastic. I’m headed there in September and can’t wait.

  2. orphicshadows

    Whoa nice spread.. how much for all that?

  3. hpstrprgmr

    Good lord. Was there a shortage of trays?

  4. balls_deep_inyourmom

    hey OP , Like the other guy asked , how much $$ was that spread ?

    I want to bring enough cash

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