Fried chicken munchy box

by AcanOfSuperLager


  1. Life_Drop69

    You posted this at 6pm so Im assuming you are not shit faced drunk. So there’s no justification for buying this.

  2. mikrowiesel

    Looks like AI generated with a training set of six images. 😄

  3. BoomSatsuma

    Doesn’t compute. There’s a colour other than beige in this photo.

  4. 12manywagwams

    Looks like fucking filth on polystyrene. I , myself ate something similar just half hour ago. Chips, cheese and a chapati and kebab meat on naan. Less than a tenner. That looks worth about 3 quid

  5. rockinherlife234

    Need a much bigger tub of sauce.

  6. Bungadin

    Need a little bit of extra salad and less beige for my liking. Would probably scran it after a few pints though, and then hate myself afterwards.

  7. SlamGashwell

    That looks like some the most disgusting “food” ever known to man.

  8. Marrukaduke

    American here. Could you please help me understand what I’m looking at?

    My best guess:
    Chips, chicken wings, onion rings, chicken tenders, chicken nuggets, and doner kebab?

  9. cumbersomecloud

    Mate, just warning you that your delivery driver helped himself to a couple of your wings. The sauce to food ratio is all sorts of wrong here.

  10. Sea-Replacement-1040

    Phew, thank goodness there’s some salad with it.

  11. That kebab looks drier than a nuns cunt mate.

  12. Expensive_Equal6747

    I wouldn’t feed that to my dog. I don’t even have a dog either.

  13. Starboard_1982

    I like how they’ve made the salad so easy to dispose of.

  14. LivalicetheOK

    That tiny box of salad next to the mountain of variety meats and fried objects looks so sad and pointless.

  15. TheImplication696969

    Can takeaways and people please for the love of god stop using the term “munchy box” it sounds cheap and disgusting, I’ll never order from anywhere that uses that on the menu.

  16. BeckLou122

    I’m offended at how much this has been upvoted.

  17. turbobuddah

    Apart from the soggy onion rings i’d be all over this after a night on the piss

  18. 26326312

    People need to stop showing this stuff off. It looks fucking dreadful.

  19. wee-g-19

    That is a pathetic excuse for a munchy box and calling it a fried chicken one at that with just chicken strips, chicken wings n nuggets 🤣 are you having a laugh man?
    That’s a king size Donner n chips with some sides added.

  20. ThorsEyeball

    Is the lettuce to make you feel better? 😄

  21. Oddball_3000

    Why do people use this sub to post the shittiest food the UK has to offer?

  22. killmitch3

    That is grim 🤢 looks dry as anything with the tiniest bit of sauce

  23. Necroboticonical

    I miss Glasgow munchy boxes. Such a high and mighty comments section here like you all don’t eat this shit in different varieties and quantities

  24. o0someone0o

    Now thats what I call a munch box. And honestly its definitely the best box combo I have seen. Its literally perfect. Donar looks delicious, fries looks perfect, nice looking salad, sauces are in tubs which is a bonus, chicken looks amazing and the sides are just calling out to me! Perfection, 10/10.

  25. garlicluv

    Fucking horrid, heart disease in a box. And the people on this island have the gall to complain about how their diet is viewed.

  26. peacetolife

    My brother in Christ, spare a thought for your digestive tract, this is giving me constipation just looking at it

  27. Banksov

    my poor stomach gets heartburn just looking at this

  28. Not gonna lie, don’t like the look of this. Looks like a load of crap from the freezer and dry as hell.

  29. GargantuanGorganzola

    Probably the driest Donner meat I’ve ever seen

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