Horse meat in Mexico

by LEOVALMER_Round32


  1. thejake1973

    I would eat it for sure. It is apparently pretty good.

  2. kindofsam

    We eat that shit out here in Italy too, brother

  3. x__mephisto

    Have you ever heard of the snack “chitos”? It is spiced jerky made out of horse or donkey meat. Great if you went for a hike. Quite tasty really, they once were very common, not so much these days. Oh man, I miss the old mexico.

  4. intellectualnerd85

    I love horses and I would happily eat mr ed tacos. They’re good for other things besides glue

  5. rhythmbomb

    I’ve only had a horse steak once. Years ago… in Switzerland.

  6. SonoranHiker75

    Between your post and your comments there seems to be a mixed commentary going on.

    Post is against horse meat, but you are for it.

    You tell me you’ve eaten it before but ask another the taste?

    Go get yourself some chapulines sit back on the couch and try thinking for yourself instead of bandwagoning.

  7. My favorite restaurant in Toronto, Canada serves horse. Filet style medium rare (like a steak) and it’s amazing. Took me a while to work up the courage to try it but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  8. Stepheninblack

    With all the hunger and feral horses in the U.S. we could solve 2 problems at once, imo

  9. LOLteacher

    Our dog meat is so fresh here, it’s still barking.

  10. arm1niu5

    What’s the big deal?

    Here in Toluca we eat cecina and it’s delicious. Horse meat isn’t that common compared to beef or pork, but it’s not taboo either. I haven’t tried it yet but people also eat rabbit sometimes.

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