Definitely needed a bigger plate

by TwelfthDetraction


  1. toast_training

    I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe – but until now I’ve never seen asparagus on a fryup. We are indeed entering the end of days.

  2. Honestly I think you’ve made the asparagus work. Bravo chef

  3. nwalesseedy

    Something here isn’t right but I can’t put my finger on i…. A S P A R A G U S ??!!!!!!

  4. Remote_Specialist52

    Hi, police? Yes I’d like to report a hate crime.

  5. if-land2021

    For breakfast? Nope. For Brunch? I could see the asparagus working!

  6. Jimoiseau

    Nice use of asparagus to distract everyone from the fact that the beans are touching the egg

  7. Even-Imagination6242

    ……noticed a few folk commenting on the asparagus.

    Personally, I think it’s a win!

    Consider this: Asparagus is served sometimes with a dippy egg.

    Asparagus is also sometimes wrapped in pancetta. So there is zero reason why it won’t go well with the bacon.

    ….to add to this. Some folk also love a bit of bubble and squeak with a fryup. It’s effectively a veg style fried mash. which, in my opinion is a bit of magic with a fryup.

  8. Direct-Scheme2743

    Yummy I’d probably give the bacon and sausages to someone else but eat everything 😋

  9. Sw41ny89

    I’m actually kinda for the asparagus! I often have grilled spring onions on mine.

  10. Yesterday was nice weather here and I had leftover asparagus from the previous night salad so I whacked it on the BBQ with lemon and oil.

    All the haters have just never tried it I think. Marvellous vegetable.

    Of course every time I eat it I go all Helen Mirren in the cook the thief his wife and her lover. And have to run off to the bathroom with the wife for a quickie.

  11. NicCola83

    At first I was offended by the Asparagus. But you know what.. Take the beans away and it’s a perfectly cromulant plate of food.

  12. Rare-Bid-6860

    Asparagus is an unorthodox addition, but I can see it working like it does with everything else. Approved.

  13. Which_Doubt_4816

    Needs avacado make it look like you really don’t no what your doing

  14. chunatunks

    Asparagus? People are going to take the piss and then your piss will stink.

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