6 months’ worth of fryups

by demixennial


  1. howsyoursef

    The hash yellows could have done with another six months

  2. Excellent-Area6009

    Looks like 2 weeks worth of breakfast

  3. Guacamole_Water

    Did you fry up number 4 in Chernobyl? Ngl this is actually an incredible collection you’re my hero

  4. WeLikeTheSt0nkz

    6 months and you still haven’t learnt to cook the bacon fat. Outrageous

  5. spttrial

    I’d have gone with one less hash brown, and gone for a bigger fried bread with all those beans. But the plate would still be cleared without any problems

  6. Which_Doubt_4816

    I hope you get out of prison soon how do you cope with that food.

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