this mornings fryup!

by iamjtwr213


  1. WarWonderful593

    9/10. Perfect dam for the beans. Are you a civil engineer perchance?

  2. WestonsCat

    The sausage dam deserves respect. But this is clearly a millionaire, who else can afford Lurpak these days!

  3. Mellers38

    Looks good, more black pudding for me though please 👍

  4. fizzingwhizbeez

    Such a satisfying bean dam! What’s the rectangular potato item?

  5. CraigyLamps

    Fantastic! Are those hash browns? They look awesome but I haven’t seen hash browns like them before…

  6. Travels_Belly

    Oh ma gaaaaaaaaaaaad the stuff of legends

  7. Mysterious_Link_7587

    Well I hope you and the DEVIL have a wonderful feast 😈

  8. ButtercuntSquash

    Perfectly presented, excellent work OP

  9. NewVerteronCity

    Jeepers cripes that looks enticing

  10. Ambersfruityhobbies

    Beautiful. I hope you enjoyed it. You ought to be in control of the parade at the coronation with such a well ordered presentation as this.

  11. _banana_face_

    Tbf that looks banging, if there was a moan, it would be, maybe the sausages could be browned all way round.

  12. inari_21

    Brilliant! Those eggs are *chef’s kiss*…and are those sausage-shaped hash browns?

  13. penguinopusredux

    Solid bean dam, and those eggs look superb.

  14. Kitchen_Challenge924

    The lurpak what a luxury 😂

  15. Hanglowf365

    Daddies, a person of culture i see. Great bean dam. Fried and toasted bread. If I were to be picky I’d say you need better butter and the sausages look a little suspect, but that fry up is still a 9/10. Well done.

  16. gameoflols

    That’s a straight up, no nonsense solid eight from me.

  17. BaeBaracus

    Hall Of Famer right there. Outstanding

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