The perfect trio

by MetsX2000


  1. CantBelieveThisIsTru

    For a heart attack. Actually you have four foods there: Steak, Bacon, Eggs & Butter. All of them contribute to high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and much more. Tastes really good, but you should have seen how myndad suffered with heart attacks, enlarged heart, and finally the widowmaker, except he was a widower already. He didn’t want anyone to tell him how to eat, so no one did. We estimate 10 years was chopped off his life, when compared to others in his family line.

  2. Iamdarb

    Plot twist, the steak is that dollar tree steak from that post earlier

  3. Babel_Triumphant

    I dunno man, some hashbrowns or pancakes would probably be my call over the double meats. Throw in some fresh fruit too!

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