Okonomiyaki from Chinchikurin in LA’s Little Tokyo, got their specialty (w/ ground beef instead of pork & bean sprouts), shishito peppers on the side, and a beer… this easily made my weekend

by HorseSushi

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  1. HorseSushi

    BTW have any other shishito lovers out there noticed that it seems like ~5% of the peppers served at restaurants have thermonuclear payloads?

    Let me state upfront that I’m no pepper head, jalapenos are spicy enough for me so maybe I’m just a wimp. Still, I really like the flavor of roasted shishitos (especially marinated in miso!) and they’re usually not spicy at all so I just go for it… but there’s always **that one** that sneaks up on me and gets a laugh from whoever’s around 😅

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