Barbs B.Q. Grand Opening was amazing!

by slax0r


  1. I went to the grand opening of Barbs B.Q. and had an amazing time. It was truly one of the best bbq experiences I’ve had in a really long time. I cant wait to see what awesome new things these folks bring to the Lockhart/Austin BBQ scene.

  2. dangar512

    Meats look good sides look questionable. What is the spaghetti policy when it comes to BBQ? 🤔

  3. Hero_Charlatan

    Do they use lard in the tortillas? Also, where is this in Austin?

  4. QuietRedditorATX

    That’s a lot of turkey. Otherwise looks good, cool to know about thanks.

  5. ToryChumchal

    What all did you order? Looks great!

  6. ThaRealNhaz

    Whats the spagetti lookin stuff and how was the cole slaw?


    Ohhhh quirky! Don’t eat it all hahahaha

  8. nnoltech

    It was great! Glad I could make it out to support friends and make a few new ones!

  9. ponkyball

    Good to hear, look forward to checking it out sometime.

  10. postATX1

    That place is always going to get hate from the “tHaTs ToO eXpeNsIve” crowd but I can tell just from looking at it that’s the best bbq to ever be sold in Lockhart.

  11. RoleModelsinBlood31

    Damn, this just convinced me to do ribs and a few lamb racks tomorrow for the pool party. Thanks man- can’t believe I’ve never contemplated lamb on the smoker

  12. duke1099

    Does anyone know the price per pound? I can’t seem to find it online

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