Why is /r/fryup shutting down on June 12th? How will this change affect regular users? More info here.

by vulfneck


  1. Pantsu_Professor

    Yeah it’s a bag of shite. Third party apps are reddit for me. The official site and app are horrible.

    Boost for reddit, Sync for reddit and RIF take a horrible site and make it functional.

  2. DumbXiaoping

    What’s this got to do with r/fryup? Mods are shutting down the sub in protest?

  3. theegrimrobe

    should just go dark instead of actually just nuking the sub

    its a bit like those bhuddist monks dousing themselves in gas and lighting a match .. sure its a protest but you never get to see if it effects anything

    fucking reddit shooting itself in the foot ala tumblr and imgur — im suprised they arent banning porn too

  4. penguinopusredux

    I’ll miss it but fair play for taking a stand on this.

  5. stguinefortspaw

    Guess I’ll have to uninstall Reddit and start interacting with humans in real life. Oh shit

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