It turns out I don’t like beer with my breakfast, next time will stick with the tea

All feedback welcome good or bad, I want to get better at making fry ups

PS gash browns take along time so I CBA with them

by stevobaggio1


  1. Averagestiff

    Ticks all the boxes, looks great. Not keen on flavored Beer personally but Beer none the less.

  2. Ambersfruityhobbies

    Stunning. A proper chipolata count. Is that a doves egg or summat?

  3. Rukanau

    Great looking fry up, at this point I am convinced everyone with a garden has the same glass table.

  4. ResponsibleDriver521

    Huge portion! And looks delicious

  5. 2manymushrooms

    Brilliant. 4 sausages is correct. All looks well. Bonus for beer. Extra bonus for accepting negative feedback when necessary.

  6. Electronic-Trip8775

    Spot on fry up 10/10. No thanks with the beer.

  7. ManofKent1

    I think lager should be the drink of choice to cut through any greasyness, although it doesn’t look greasy. I recommend Red Stripe.

    Strong 9/10 all in order

  8. defendingfaithx

    This is my first time seeing chocolate stout. How is it? I love drinking beer with everything but flavored beer is something I am usually on the fence about.

  9. dendrocalamidicus

    Toast looks perfect thickness and % toasted. IMO needs hash browns, and one egg is an odd ratio compared to how much of everything else you have, but looks lush regardless. Would devour it.

  10. veryrudemonkey

    Fry up and a beer – you have my vote

  11. AJ_Eldritch85

    That bacon looks incredible. Proper thick cut as it should be.

  12. Neddy29

    Add another egg and it’s 11/10 for me, all looks really well cooked! (No beer for me either warm tea!)

  13. matey555

    Good thick toast, (often overlooked) nice work, lovely spread, personally I’d add an egg and some hash browns but that’s just me, I think there is a general consensus tea should be in the mix. Nice effort, 8/10 🍽️

  14. Impossible-Mud-3800

    Glad you enjoyed the fry up, but I must insist on the beer. We can’t have a half-hearted Al fresco experience now, can we?

  15. garyh62483

    Awesome job! Eggs especially look banging.

  16. CitySte

    That’s looks appetising but not with a beer no way, it’s got to be a cup of rosy lee with a breki everytime

  17. TheMightyenglish

    How was that vocation? Looks foul haha

  18. Dazzling_Teacher_820

    Glad you enjoyed the fry up, but I must insist on the beer. We can’t have a half-hearted Al fresco experience now, can we?

  19. KidElliott

    I love this subreddit so much. Just lads and gals appraising a simple pleasure.

    I live in NA so I’ve yet to have a proper fry up, but I’m looking forward to trying one when I head to Edinburgh in a few months.

    P.s. yours looks great, OP!

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