The controversial spaghetti hoops are out again. Bacon and sausages cooked over charcoal 🤤

by backflipbail


  1. backflipbail

    The fried bread was a bit naff but the rest was incredible. Rate away my fryup friends.

  2. Lover_of_Sprouts

    Top marks, with the exception of that abomination. You know what I’m talking about.

    I cannot in all conscience up vote this. Sorry!

    edit: typo

  3. Plz_PM_Thikk_Thighs

    Love me some sketty ‘oops. They’re less good than beans imo but definitely would still enjoy this

  4. PhilReddit7

    Excellent effort. I want mushrooms now I’ve seen those. Is that brown sauce? That’s my preferred sauce. Thanks for sharing.

  5. toast_training

    No no no no nope never. Spaghetti hoops have no place on a fryup.

  6. SnooJokes7263

    I’m here to fan the flames of controversy, I like to mix baked beans and spaghetti hoops aka “beanetti” 100% would recommend especially with grated cheese 👍👍👍

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