Is Dom Perignon Vintage 2004 still good to drink? Details in comments

by BreakitLikeBeckham


  1. BreakitLikeBeckham

    Hi all! I really hope this is the right place to ask this question, as I’m not much of a drinker. I’m planning on proposing to my girlfriend in a couple of weeks. My family has had this bottle for a while, and now is a better time than any to crack it open! However, I’ve found conflicting information about whether or not a bottle of this age might be bad. The last thing I’d want is to finally open this guy after popping the question, only to be hit by gross, old champagne. It’s been stored in the box and inside a closed liquor bar in my parents’ living room. So what are the chances it has gone bad? I really appreciate any and all information. Thanks!

  2. rgbeard2

    Not at all. It’s shite.

    Please PM me your address, and I will be right over to dispose of it safely, protecting you and those you love.

  3. jlh1960

    I’m very worried you will both be poisoned by drinking this old swill. Let me bring over some recent vintage California sparkling wine that will be nice and fresh. You can thank me later.

  4. Drdoctordrdr

    My Pops bought a bottle of Dom for a $1 at the flea market once. It wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t gross either. Conclusion: it’s hardy stuff from a high quality producer. Should drink just fine.

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