[Homemade] All Day English Breakfast, with all the trimmings.

by 5_percent_discocunt


  1. _Thesaurus_

    It’s still so wild to me that beans are a breakfast item

  2. I stayed at a little hotel in Cobh and ate this every morning, it is a thing of beauty.

  3. Caractacutetus

    Fantastic portion and number of items, but it does look a bit undercooked to me. Did they use any particular kind of sausage? And what’s that thing to the left of the black pudding?

  4. I’m very jealous. I just finished my last bite of cold cereal.

  5. Harley_Beckett

    This seems close to breakfast perfection. Personally, I’d skip the mushrooms, because I hate them, but I appreciate that many don’t.

    Is there _any_ room for improvement? Maybe double eggs to go with the double potatoes – some fried along with the scrambled. And while the duo of white _and_ black pudding is a masterstroke, it kind of makes me want to throw in some haggis and complete the triple threat. Maybe fry the bread, but idk, that doorstep looks great as it is.

    I’m splitting hairs anyway. This is amazing.

  6. BigFatStinkyCheese

    Interesting pairing with the guineas for breakfast 🙂

  7. hrdwarhax

    It’s called all day because it’s going to take you all day to eat all that

  8. This is so much food, but I would spend all day eating it!

  9. Heisenberg_235

    Did the bacon get warmed up under a lightbulb?

  10. Is this in the US or UK? Being in the states always looking for places that sell good quality rashers & black pudding. Looks so yum!

  11. Shmulenzon

    I may eat that if I’m starving for 24 hours or something, usually 3 egg omelet and 1 cucumber 1 tomato salt and olive oil salad is well sufficient.
    This English breakfast of yours probably somewhat 2/3 daily calories, I mean, it is not something bad, it’s just a lot to consume in one go.

  12. wwiidogefighter

    God I miss me some nitro Guinness. I’ve never tasted beer that’s so close to chocolate as that one.

  13. AlwaysOutsider

    How does one ingest this gigantic amount of food as breakfast

  14. ThurmanMerman00

    Give that bacon 90 seconds longer on each side and we are in business!

  15. schpanckie

    My arteries are clogging just looking at it…..but if you gotta go, that is the way…..yum….lol

  16. Tribalbob

    This would be an all day breakfast for me because after I ate it, I wouldn’t eat anything else all day.


    I love a full English breakfast, but that type of baked beans is the one thing that can really be improved

  18. internetman666

    If I had that for breakfast along with a Guiness I would have to go back to bed.

  19. what are the main seasonings and spices in an english breakfast? never tried one

  20. BackgroundBite8324

    Sounds like heaven on a plate! Can I book a room at that hotel too? 😄🍳

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