For the first time ever, I had Pizza today with honey on it…

by PioneerStandard


  1. PioneerStandard

    Blondies in Toronto. Pepperoni, jalapeno and honey. It was fantastic.

    Can’t believe I waited this long to have honey on pizza.

  2. TimpanogosSlim

    Yeah, putting mike’s hot honey on stuff seems to be very popular right now. I bought some but still haven’t tried it. I also bought tutto calabria’s calabrian pepper honey and it is not hot at all, very disappointing. apparently they haven’t figured out how to make a consistent honey product yet.

    Curry Pizza (Utah chain) has a honey curry pizza i need to try.

  3. resting_confusedface

    Jalapenos and honey is one of my favorite combinations. I never would have thought to try it on pizza though, thanks!

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