Tomato plant infestation, please help, how would you treat?

by nana123456788


  1. hecticwatermelon

    Are those wasp eggs I see? If so go put that fella back on the plant!

  2. nana123456788

    The dude is eating tomato flowers , put ‘em back?

  3. Bt or go out with a UV flashlight and pick em off at night for the chickens

  4. pennamechris123

    No. Don’t put him back. We called there tomato worms. I think they’re called hornworms? Either way they eat your tomatoes (thus the nickname). I give these to my chickens.

  5. ZXVixen

    Manual removal with a black light in the dark to find them. If you don’t have chickens to feed them to, toss in a dish of soapy water.

    Also BT to kill off the ones you may miss.

  6. SomeChange3059

    Kill all you find. The wasps will find the new ones just like the hornworms find your tomato plants

  7. gholmom500

    Pick and toss. You can hear them chomping in early morning- or get a black light and watch them glow.

  8. rottentomati

    Take them off and yeet them into the street

  9. RealJeil420

    Bite off the head and suck the juice out.

  10. AtillaTheHanh

    Those things totally gross me out — spray them with NEEM OIL.

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