75% Hydration Baguette Recipe

by KLSFishing


  1. KLSFishing

    75% hydration
    215 g water/285 g bread flour
    4 g yeast
    6 grams salt

    Poolish pre-ferment if desired. If not proceed as normal.

    Poolish- 100g warm water+4 g yeast and 1tsp sugar if active dry yeast+ 100 gram flour- mix till combined and leave at room temp for 1 hour then place into fridge for overnight or 16-24 hours max.

    Should smell like a bakery once you pop the lid off it and be super webby/stiff.

    Dissolve the poolish in your remainder of water- 115 g
    Mix flour (185 g) in batches and mix in your 6g salt after your first mix in of flour until we’ll combined.

    Mix until shaggy dough is formed. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes and perform a set of stretch and folds. I typically need 2-3 sets as needed depending on hydration/flour type I’m using.

    Once your dough is nice and taught/smooth, roll into tight ball and place back into covered bowl and let proof till doubled in size.

    De-gas your dough and seperate out into 250g balls of dough or desired baguette size.

    Pre-shape your dough and turn into taught ball.

    Rest for 10-15 minutes and final shaping will happen now.

    Dust your work surface and lay your dough out into a rectangle and press any big bubbles out. Take one end and fold it about 1” down and press the seams down. Repeat until seam is underneath the dough and fully closed.

    Place hands in a “V” facing each other in the center of the dough and apply pressure down and out (moving hands to the outsides of the dough) – left hand goes left, right goes right etc.

    Until your desired length/shape is desired.

    Place and cover onto parchment paper or a floured up towel setup like mine until proofed and “marshmallowy” and passes finger poke test where the dough recovers slowly but doesn’t dent.

    Preheat oven to 500-525 degrees with baking stone/inverted sheet tray and a cast iron in bottom of the oven the last 30-45 minutes of your proof.

    Place your baguettes onto your baking stone/sheet tray then pour boiling water into your cast iron to creat a nice environment for your dough to spring.

    Close and lower temp to 475 for 15 minutes.

    Remove cast iron and continue cooking for 10-15 minutes until color is achieved.

    If not doing a poolish- combine ingredients at once with the salt coming after the flour mixes with the yeasty water mix.

  2. beer_fan69

    Did not expect to see the steak guy in the bread sub 😂

    Looks great!

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