What do you guys think about burgers cooked rare?

by LeonOkada9


  1. Disastrous_Raccoon82

    Call me old school, but I prefer em cooked throughout

  2. Any-Advisor7067

    Not good imo. You’re just asking for a mushy bun and a bland burger. Also, I’ve heard that it’s not as safe to eat ground meats rare/raw vs whole meats. They say this is because any of the surface bacteria acquired through the grinding process remains in the undercooked burger, unless cooked to 160F. Whereas with steak, the interior is naturally sealed and never exposed to the elements, therefore it’s safe to eat it so long as the meat itself is good (that is to say, there’s no fear of bacteria exposure from grinding equipment). All of this said, I order my burgers medium-well and my steaks medium-rare. I also love steak tartare, and sushi, and I usually cook pork a little under. To each their own at the end of the day.

  3. Petrcechmate

    My family calls this werewolf style and I’m the only one who can eat them! But I prefer it a touch further along than these.

  4. UpsideDownShovelFrog

    I think I might rather kms than eat a burger THAT pink. Like sure, a bit of pinkness in the centre is good, but that’s basically still a walking talking cow.

  5. ThePlasticJesus

    It’s supposedly not safe to cook mass produced ground beef like this. If you or a restaurant grinds it fresh, then it should be fine.

  6. Maximum-Bid2922

    I feel like you’re gonna get sick

  7. usarasa

    Nah, plenty of juices to be had taking it to medium.

  8. ppman2322

    Nothing minced or chopped should be cooked bellow full well done

  9. FallenShadeslayer

    I’m good with medium. Anything under that isn’t for me. But I don’t knock it.

  10. Coveinant

    Not even in a professional kitchen. The risk of e-coli is high enough, not risking my health for stupid trends and ideas.

  11. LocalConspiracy138

    I like them if it’s freshly ground sirloin burger and cooked a touch more than these.

  12. DrBubbleTrowsers

    pics 1 and 4 are gross pics 2 and 3 i would eat that shit happily

  13. Willy_wolfy

    I’m a well done burger guy. Unless you have your own grinder and are meticulous with health and safety then why risk spending a night shitting and puking. Food poisoning is no fun.

  14. Geo-Man42069

    The only way I’d consider this safe is if it’s fresh safe beef that is ground in-house, with excellent sanitation. Any of those conditions are sub-par you could get food poisoning.

  15. MrSuspension

    If I wanted beef tartare I’d order it

  16. throwawaybottlecaps

    If it’s fresh ground, good quality then I’ll do medium rare. But otherwise it’s getting cooked through. If it’s cheap beef it just taste slimy when undercooked

  17. SansyBoy144

    When it comes to burgers, or anything made out of ground beef, they’re suppose to be fully cooked. I’ve had medium rare burgers that tasted great, but you can’t treat it the same steak.

    With steak, the inside of the meat never comes in contact with bacteria, but the outside does, which is why you sear the outside and keep the inside pink.

    Which ground meat of any kind, all of the bacteria get spread around when it’s ground and when it’s shaped, so there’s bacteria, that can easily get you sick in burgers.

    It’s honestly baffled me how common it is to have medium rare or rare burgers be served even though it’s suppose to be fully cooked.

  18. ChaosMarine70

    Thats not rare,it’s about to leap off the table and back to the pasture

  19. sabocan

    I like my steak rare, but rare ground beef in those photos look like what’s left behind after you blow the head of a zombie in Resident Evil. It might taste good and be safe Idk, but I’d never eat it, looks too nasty.

  20. Nope. Too much bacteria. It’s not the same as steak once you grind it.

  21. droford

    That reminds me of a scene from Justified

    >Clement: Ding, ding, ding. Ready for Double Jeopardy! Now, I ordered this steak black and blue. Do you know what black and blue means?

    >Waitress: Means rare?

    > Clement: Oh, no, ma’am. It does not mean rare. It means goddamn bloody red. So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to take this. I want you to throw it in the trash. Then I want you to get your chef, have another steak, smack that on the fire, sing two verses “Of Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground” flip that sucker, sing the third verse, yank it off, plate it, and bring it back here. Then I’m gonna cut into this big-ass hunk of black and blue meat. And if I don’t hear it moo in pain… ( clicks tongue ) Then… we’re just gonna start this all over again.

  22. Physical-Sir-626

    I think it’s an invitation to the worst intestinal pain anyone most likely will ever feel…enjoy!!! Mad Cow Disease is also another fun possibility!!! Bye bye brain!!!

  23. infiniteanomaly

    Nope. Just no. I’m not usually one to overly worry about getting sick from food, but ground meat (especially beef) has to be well-done for me. There’s just too much possibility of contamination.

    Now, if you give me a well-done steak, I will absolutely be disgusted.

  24. ashimo414141

    Absolute love them, but I am a disgusting garbage person who will stand on soapbox about different brands and origins of olive oil while I’m eating a hot pocket that was left out for a few hours

  25. Upward_Fail

    At the right spot this is delicious. The wrong spot, maybe still delicious but an after shock of regrets

  26. rionaster

    i don’t mind a medium rare steak, but something about the texture of raw ground beef triggers my gag reflex

  27. Grand_Moff_Empanada

    I fucking love a rare burger.

    But only when I make it from beef where I know where it came from.

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