Learn how to make a Perfect Potato Salad! Visit http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2017/06/perfect-potato-salad-just-like-mom-used.html for the ingredients, more information, and many, many more video recipes. I hope you enjoy this easy Classic American Potato Salad recipe!


  1. Love Paulina. My mom's version was a bit different, but she never changed it. 'Screw the haters', she said, long before anyone else did.

  2. You didn't even attempt to be gentle with your potatoes, thus you end up with Mashed Potato Salad. Oye!

  3. Looks good! I always add a bunch of ingredients into mine to keep it interesting. Mayo as the primary ingredient of course (if you use light mayo, or (god forbid) yogurt or sour cream you're doing it completely wrong), mustard, a splash of ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, relish, and a sprinkle of hot sauce make up the dressing. Garlic powder, dried parsley, and salt to sprinkle over the hot potatoes, and then that goes right into the dressing still warm to absorb all the flavors. Onion, celery, and boiled eggs are a must, maybe even some crumbled bacon and bell pepper. And it's always best if it gets a little bit smashed up like mashed potatoes.
    … Damn it now I'm getting hungry.

  4. I love your all videos of vegetarian recipes… As I am vegetarian… But above alll… I love your voice… Keep up the good work.🙏🏻

  5. better to make more dressing…so if required "add as needed"….then to finish add crumbled smoked BACON. YOU ARE WELCOME.

  6. This reminds me of your macaroni salad recipe, which is now my favorite thing to take to parties now and everyone always loves it. I'm psyched to try this one too!

  7. I love mine with those thangs, but also bacon bits and either Craisins or dill pickle relish…never both…..never.

  8. Onions optional? If you're from the Southern United States they're not.
    Add dill and pickle relish…perfecto!

  9. I hate eating soft potato salad and then i feel that nasty crunchy sweet or green onion feeling taste, you put onions in my potato salad, you either lost me as a friend, or I will never go to your home to eat. I really hate eating other people food.

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