How much would you pay for this cake? I charged 40 dollars im wondering if that’s too cheap?

by QueenKristineoxo



    What size is it? How many does it feed? Is that buttercreme or fondant?


    It’s beautifully done cake! If you take into consideration your time, money spent on ingredients and supplies plus your talent I hate to say 40 is a little too cheap.

  3. Fuzzyunicorn24

    i think it depends on how much time you spent on this/how much your materials cost/prices at shops around you

  4. Green-Cockroach-8448

    Definitely under charged. Especially where I’m located. I have no idea where you are but I think you undercharged regardless of location. That would barely cover the cost of ingredients here.

    Editing to add you did a beautiful job on the cake, you definitely should not feel bad charging alot more for something like that.

  5. myexistentialcrisis1

    Girl are you serious? That’s a 200-300$ cake

  6. JessiD2810

    $40?! Maybe it’s bc I’m in NJ and just used to paying out the wazoo for everything but $40 also seems way too low. I would $150 – $250 for this with no questions asked. Carlos Bakery made my son a fortnite cake 3 years ago and I think I paid $250. It was larger but this cake you did has more work put into it where all they did was slap some plastic pieces on it

  7. NonnasLearning27

    Yes. You are short changing yourself. I’m not a pro but I’d charge $75 if I made that one. I’ve done a few similar.
    Edit: I just saw the size. Larger than I thought. Go $120

  8. trumansayshi

    Lol I miss read this and thought this was the inspiration picture and someone was charging you 40. I was thinking this was not going to end well.

    This is beautiful! But you need to do some research for your area and charge around the same. Believe in your talent!

  9. Marsipoo54

    Way too cheap imo! That barely covers ingredients and labor! Unless you’re making the cakes for fun and selling them off to any takers, I’d say at the very least it’s $100

  10. gottahavewine

    I’m assuming you live somewhere where cost of living is lower, so given that, I’d say $65-75. Where I am, people would probably pay $125-150.

  11. gregdoucetteismydoc

    Does that even cover the hours you put into it? I would have paid at least €100, beautiful cake!

  12. CanuckInTheMills

    That doesn’t even cover ingredients, board, gas , electric & your time. That isn’t going out my door for anything under $150.

  13. Phoenixchik

    Hell yeah that’s too cheap. Did that even cover the ingredients?

  14. Equilibriyum

    I really depends where you live. 40 is a basic sheet cake where I live. I’d say 120 here.

  15. goldiek4

    You did a great job! And yes, you should’ve charged more. All of the toppers and the work you put in, I’d say AT LEAST $80.

  16. lionesslindsey

    My first thought was, “Did they forget the 1 in front of that $40??” You could’ve charged $140 at least for that. That cake is beautifully made, with excellent piping, colors, and all of those toppers/details! Don’t sell yourself short, your work deserves to be compensated. How long did it take you to make this?

  17. GigiDell

    It’s very beautiful and well done, btw. You should be very proud of your work on this.

  18. PsychicNinja_

    While $40 is a little cheap with the cost of the toppers and hearts, I wouldn’t charge over $100 especially for the size of the cake.

  19. Johnnyonthespot2111

    $75 minimum. Depending are where you live this could go for $200. Where I live, a donut costs 10 bucks.

  20. StillwatersHomestead

    Definitely charge more! The bakery i work at charges $40 for a basic two layer 8 inch, with just writing. Looks good.

  21. rachface636

    Sweets, that’s $100 cake full stop. The effort, cost of ingredients, price of the topper, etc there is no way you’d make a worthwhile profit for less than $100.

    P.S. It’s *fucking gorgeous*.

  22. Lucio1111

    $40?! They better be ****ing you too at that rate! 😅

  23. iwishyouwereabeer

    I’d say way too cheap. We all lived and learn tho.

    Me personally, I would charge a minimum of $125/US. Depending on type of filling, type of buttercream, and if all additions are homemade. My price would only go up. You did a great job, beautiful work! Keep up the good work and don’t be afraid to charge what you are truly worth.

  24. NeverLetItRest

    How did you get to 40 dollars? Did you just pick an arbitrary number?

    Go with the cost of supplies + an hourly rate or a per person amount.

    I know in a comment you said it would feed 50, but you have to think about how it would realistically be cut. 50 slices is too many for a round cake of that diameter as it’s a tall cake not a wide one. I would say 25 slices from the photo.

    So if it’s 4 dollars per slice and the supplies cost 25 dollars, that’s 125$.

    If you go with hourly, and it took 5 hours to make, at 15$/ hr, with the 25 in supplies, that’s 85$.

    I would make it somewhere between 85 and 125.

    Don’t sell yourself short next time. You gave them 2 things, style and flavor. If they didn’t want both, they could compromise on their end. But you are a baker and an artist here, dont compromise for them. It’s worth the money.

  25. Consistent-Muffin947

    I think that is perfectly reasonable for such a nice cake.

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