homemade ghibli soot sprite + onigiri oreos

by chocobearx2

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  1. chocobearx2

    [recipe here](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxOTU_vRFGw/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)

    cookie ingredients:
    • 1½ cups all purpose flour
    • ¾ cup black cocoa powder
    • ¾ cup brown sugar
    • 2 generous pinches salt
    • ½ tsp baking soda
    • ½ cup neutral oil (i use vegetable)
    • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
    • 6 tbsp milk
    • 4 tbsp honey/maple syrup

    filling ingredients: n/a.
    according to your preferences, prepare a vanilla buttercream for filling.

    how to:
    1. in a bowl, mix all dry ingredients.
    2. in separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients.
    3. add wet ingredient mixture to dry, and mix until a dough is formed. the dough will feel firm, but sticky because of the oil.
    4. freeze for 30 minutes.
    5. remove from freezer, roll out, and cut out shapes.
    6. lay cut-outs onto a lined baking tray, and freeze for another 30 minutes.
    7. preheat oven to 150°C.
    8. once 30 minutes of freezing dough it up, bake cookies for 10 minutes.
    9. after 10 minutes, remove from oven, and allow to sit for at minimum 10 minutes before attempting to pick up or pipe filling. the cookies will be very soft fresh out of the oven, and will cook and firm up further with the residual heat.
    10. once the cookies have cooled and firmed up, pipe filling onto one wafer, and sandwich with a second wafer. repeat until all your sandwiches are filled. reserve a bit of buttercream for the eyes.
    11. split your reserved buttercream into 2 batches; dye one black (this can be done with food colourings, or with black cocoa powder), and leave the other white.
    12. pipe white dollops onto the top face of your sandwich cookie for the base of the eyes, then pipe smaller black dots for the soot sprite’s pupils.

    • you can use regular cocoa powder instead of black cocoa, but the flavour and colour will not be the exact same – not bad, but a bit different.
    • i wrote one tablespoon of vanilla, but that was just an estimate. vanilla is measured with the heart. add however much you want, but be mindful of adding too much, to the point that your ingredient balance is thrown off because of extra liquid.
    • the liquid sweetener is absolutely non-negotiable. it doesn’t taste as good, and lacks that subtle complexity, without it. the texture is also extremely dry without it!
    • i didn’t provide a buttercream recipe seeing as buttercream is as easy as whipping butter, adding powdered sugar and vanilla. seeing as we all have different tastes, it’s best that you make it however you like it.
    • freezing time is absolutely NOT optional. because this recipe is binded together by oil, a liquid; the freezing before baking is absolutely needed to help hold the shape. if you aren’t planning to make a specific shape and just want regular round oreos, you can skip the first freeze and just roll up some balls of dough and press them flat.
    • this recipe scratches the oreo itch, but is not exactly like an oreo – still, it’s the best way to describe these cookies. the wafers are not crisp, and the filling i suggest is richer than the thin layer of mystery filling in real oreos.

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