This is my worst cheesecake to date and it ruined my whole day— I got reckless with the amount of butter I used in the crust. The crust is too hard now and it messes with the whole experience.

The cheesecake itself could also be a bit custardy-er. No crack on top (not that you can see since I smothered it in strawberry sauce), but sloppy overall.

Worst part of all is I made this for my grandmother 😔

by Pedrpumpkineatr


  1. Upvotes2805

    Absolutely. I have this banana bread I’ve made 1,000 times and occasionally I completely bungle it even though I did nothing different. Baking is like alchemy man, sometimes the smallest thing that might not even be your fault can go wrong on a recipe you know by heart. That cheesecake looks delicious btw I’d eat that for sure

  2. sessnark

    Of course, and it always sucks! And it always seems to happen when you’re serving other people, right? I recently started making cinnamon rolls and had great experiences the first few times, so I decided to make it for visiting family. That time, they sank in the middle and I had issues baking the middle rolls while not burning the outer ones. Turned out perfectly when I made them at home though. Ugh. THEN you try to defend your mistakes and everyone thinks you’re fishing for compliments, but you’re really just trying to explain that you knowww it could have been so much better.

    All that to say – yes, I can relate lmao.

  3. ewok_on_a_unicorn

    That’s perfect for me. I usually only eat a few. It’s of the crust before going Baskin Robbins on thr cheesecake.

    I do understand though. Crust are my Achilles heel. No matter how I wrap, I can not keep water from getting in.

  4. PurplePo8to

    One time I made a chocolate cake from scratch for my mom and grandma for Mother’s Day. I wanted to make a Swiss Buttercream from scratch, but the recipe I used was wrong. No matter what I did, it never thickened and I had to pour it on the cake and it ended up being more like a glaze.

    It still tasted good but I was so dishearted for awhile

  5. whisky_dick

    Yep. Nothing makes me want to throw things in my kitchen more than messing up on something that should have been easy.

  6. ArrArr4today

    Ugh. I wish I could take that abomination off your hands.

  7. ModoTheGardener

    This isn’t baking but I make a bloody good lasagne from scratch. Last one was shit and I was fuming about how bland it was until my husband washed the mince pack to go in the recycling and pointed out it was 10% fat. I haven’t redeemed myself yet but I will!

  8. _Pliny_

    I’m sure that happens to everyone sometimes.

    But this cheesecake looks delicious, OP.

  9. bonkstick

    Yes! This thanksgiving, I premade the cornbread mix at home to help speed the whole production along during the holiday morning. Forgot that I had included the sugar in the mix since I sometimes do 50% white sugar and 50% honey and accidentally doubled it. The resulting cake was a gloopy sweet mess – luckily I had enough to make a second batch quickly 💀 But I’m famous for my cornbread so it was extra annoying!

  10. uglydeliciousness

    I think it looks great! I usually frost my cheesecakes in a 50/50 buttercream/cream cheese frosting and put graham crumbs on the side, plus a piped border around the top (also serves as a dam for any filling you out on top)

  11. No-Philosopher-4793

    It happens to everybody. More often than it should to me. 🤣 Recognize your mistake so you hopefully won’t repeat it and move on. Dwelling on it is wasted energy at best. I’ve found owning mistakes rather than making excuses helps me get over it quicker. Every fuck up is a learning experience. If you haven’t made any mistakes then you’re not trying hard enough.

    If you can eat it, it’s not a failure. No one else has your mental image of what should have been.

    My last big fuck up was bread for my wife’s father. She visits him every month and takes a loaf with her. Usually, I bake four loaves at a time but this time only two. I scaled everything down but went into autopilot on the salt. Dumb, careless, distracted, not thinking. My salt-sensitive wife couldn’t eat it but her father said it was fine, didn’t bother him at all. I think he was happy he got it all to himself. 🤣 Whew.

    It’s time for another trip. I don’t think I’ll make that same mistake today. I hope. 🤣

  12. TableAvailable

    Yup. Pecan puddle pie comes to mind. I made pecan pie regularly for years and then one day my perfect looking pie was completely liquid under the surface. I still don’t know how it happened.

    Honestly, I don’t even like pecan pie, so I haven’t made one since. It’s been 10-15 years.

  13. ryryrpm

    YES. I make this fantastic bread pudding with brown sugar bourbon sauce that’s to die for. I make it every holiday and I’m pretty much famous for it among my friends and family.

    I invited a friend over for her birthday dinner and all she wanted was the pudding. She had a party last year where I made it but didn’t get any cuz everyone ate it all it was that good.

    Well I fucked it up and it came out runny and under done. We tried to cook it more but it didn’t really help. We were also stoned AF and laughing lol I think it was because I used 2% instead of whole and also an aluminum foil pan instead of glass like normal.

    Anyway, I was SO embarrassed. Like I cringe when I think about it. She promises it was still good and took it home to finish it. But I just…..woof

    But it’s normal and it happens! Baking is so picky. I try to remove all manual elements. Mainly using a scale for measuring and a good thermometer for accuracy. Even with that I still fuck up sometimes.

    P.S. ALSO I buy the good eggs, pasture raised all that shit and I swear they are smaller than the large eggs recipes call for. Anyway, I added an extra egg to my brown sugar cookie recipe (which I had a problem with being too dry) and it not only fixed the dryness problem but took them to a whole new level. Point being, small changes in quantity can alter the recipe entirely. Which is fucked lol

  14. I’d just flip it and make it a crumble and pretend I meant to

  15. NewbieMaleStr8isBack

    uhmmm, I have to ask. what’s up with the parchment paper?

  16. infinityonhigh69

    ugh this just happened to me last week!! i can make chocolate chip cookies in my sleep and the SBA recipe is so easy plus i was on the phone while making the dough that i must have messed something up and NONE of my cookies baked correctly. i think i either messed up the flour and/or my cornstarch was bad. either way it had me so upset that i was genuinely afraid to bake anything else again out of fear that i had lost the touch lol.

    then last night i made some snickerdoodles that came out perfectly so maybe i was just being dramatic 😜 so i can definitely say i’ve been there before recently and after letting yourself feel bad for a few days you do have to go ahead and try again!! <3

  17. ItsCalled_Freefall

    I had a baby and suddenly couldn’t make lemon bars. It’s been 2 years since my last success.

  18. I’ve perfected my pizza dough recipe. Haven’t gotten it wrong in who knows how long? Then last week it just didn’t come together. No idea what I did wrong. Dough was too wet and never formed the gluten I needed. Added flour. Never came together.

  19. archaeologistbarbie

    Fumbled some buttermilk biscuits recently and was so annoyed about it until realizing the temp in my mom’s oven was way off. Sometimes it’s not us!

  20. crankygerbil

    It might be a tad messy but it looks yummmmmmmy.

  21. carlitospig

    I’d still eat the shit out of that thing!

  22. louellen1824

    It happens more often than I care to admit. But somehow it never stops anyone from gobbling up what I’ve made. We are out worst own enemies!

  23. not-jimmy

    One time I completely forgot half the sugar in the cookie bars I made like literally once a month for years at that point. I was SO MAD at myself, so I totally get this – especially when it’s for someone else!! I rage-baked a replacement immediately.

    I think we’re all too hard on ourselves. As long as it’s sweet and safe to eat, I think your cake will be lovely.

  24. Usual-Cranberry3070

    This is how we learn! I’m sure it was delicious, don’t beat yourself up ❤️

  25. RebaKitten

    Oh no, not too much butter! Ew, butter!

    You should send it to me and I’ll destroy it! 🙂

  26. gogoghoul_13

    It really takes the wind out of your sails! But then the times you really make something delicious and amazing really make it worth it. I would definitely eat that cheese cake and come back for seconds.

  27. Eeww-David

    Think about whether it’s actually inedible, or it just wasn’t exactly as intended.

    Cilantro tastes like an herb to some, and soap to others…

    I’ve had some recipes where I thought I screwed up beyond consumption, but other people loved it.

    Some people like soft cookies, and some like crunchy ones.

    Peanut brittle was invented to spite someone by intentionally ruining a recipe, and it took off.

    I guarantee there are people who love custardy cheesecake with crunchy crusts and adore the contrast in the textures.

  28. autumnfrostfire

    Oh no, you poor thing. Send it to me so you don’t have to look at that abomination again 😝🤣

  29. Illusive-Fox

    Cheesecake is my vice and I struggle to get it right so I absolutely understand. 🥹

    Considering the crust is really hard, you could the freeze the cheesecake, cut it into small pieces and mix it in ice-cream.

    50/50 chance it wouldn’t make things better but I would happily be a taste tester! 💙

  30. strawberberry

    I made a double batch of banana bread bc we had SO MANY overripe bananas. Except I forgot partway through that I doubled the batch. So I had double bananas and double butter in the bowl, got distracted and then single amounts of flour/eggs/sugar/everything else. I got out all my mini loaf pans and got to doling out the batter and was really disappointed that this double recipe didn’t fill one regular loaf pan plus the 6 minis that I had. Whatever, popped them in to bake and they just would not finish! Ended up baking them like twice as long as the recipe normally takes bc they just were so dense and I could not figure out why! Then when I got them out finally and cut into them, I remembered that I put in twice the amount of only 2 ingredients and a regular amount of the rest. I was gonna give them out to people, but I had to dutifully just eat my dense chewy banana bread by myself, haha

  31. MarcoPolo339

    You bring that disgusting cake over here, and I’ll disappear it for you. You’re welcome.

  32. ResidentLab7250

    YES!!! I made a beautiful round challah. I underbaked it and could only use the outer parts. I was so pissed at myself. I should have gone by temperature not time.

  33. llihdnas

    I once broke down sobbing because my pasta dough didn’t come out right. It sucks but just get back on the horse and you will find that mistakes go as easy as they come.

  34. Olilollipo

    Bruh that looks fucking delicious lemme eat it

  35. mhiaa173

    I make yeast rolls all the time. Nothing fancy, mind you, just regular, delicious rolls. When I screw them up, I feel so defeated lol. Then when I make them again, I call them “redemption rolls.’

  36. Capt_Greenlung

    I realized after giving a cheesecake to a friend that I had over sugared it by 50%. I was washing dishes and realized I had the wrong measuring cup out. I was so upset, I called him all sad. He had taken it to his in-laws, and they loved it. It still bothers me almost a year later.

  37. twicebakedxo

    Yess. I’ve been making homemade pasta sauce pretty much since I learned to cook. Moved in with my bf & tried to make it one day. The meatballs went to shit & I burnt the sauce. Don’t know how I managed that but I haven’t tried to make it since lol

  38. 8_BIT_LOVE

    Yep. Macarons. Every 10th-15th batch or so turns out terribly. Just to keep me on my toes. Little jerks.

  39. Humble_Cook212

    still have the pan? if you can get it back in the pan, fill the sink with warm water, float the pan in it – should loosen up the crust while keeping the filling cold.

    that’s what I do every time I mess up crumble crusts at least, lol

  40. TA_plshelpsss

    Cheesecake is a fickle B try not to take it too hard 🙂 I make once at least once a month, everyone who’s had it hypes it massively, so that creates pressure, and sometimes the forces of the universe conspire against me… usually the problem is also the butter in the crust tbh

  41. tworighteyes4892

    Um… yeah 😩 I made some jam crumble bars and didn’t realize I messed up measuring the butter. They came out sooo wet and even after I let them sit, you couldn’t take a bite without coating your mouth with butter

    Still ate all of them, begrudgingly

  42. puppy-guppy

    Everytime its for someone special I fumble it a bit no matter how many times ive mastered the recipe. The only thing that works for me is cooking for someone enough times that the novelty wears off and I can cook without worrying about it.

  43. bananalien666

    OP if it’s any consolation I really like a thicc cheesecake crust 😉

    I have a killer brownie recipe and it’s not all that complicated but the difference between absolutely sensational fudgy brownies and run-of-the-mill cakey brownies is literally like an extra minute in the oven. I’ve screwed it up a few times and it always kills me inside.

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