Hi all! I am hoping to have some help with plant identification in my vegetable garden. I am located in Maine, US and my garden is a plot at my local community garden. These could very well be weeds but I havent yanked them because they also could be something of use. Since this is a plot in a community garden, I am sure something could have spread over from another plot, so it is all a mystery to me! Additionally, I planted Brussels sprouts seeds in this general area, but these don’t really look like Brussels sprouts…

Any help would be much appreciated. There are 2 separate plants I would love to have some ID help on and there are multiples of each of these plants popping up.I photographed the largest ones of both types. Please find the links here:

Mystery plant #1 (kind of looks like mint, but leaves seem to big):



Mystery plant #2:



Dining and Cooking