The Best Barbecue Baked Beans - Easiest, Meatiest BBQ Baked Beans - Food Wishes

It’s not a barbecue until a dish of baked beans shows up, and while there are many versions and techniques, I’m here to tell you that these are the best. These are the tastiest, the most satisfying, the easiest, and the meatiest. Enjoy!

For the fully formatted, printable, written recipe, follow this link:

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  1. So you don't add any salt while boiling the beans and pork, only to the sauce?

  2. Add one part bbq sauce to one part deconstructed bbq sauce 😂

    Can't wait to try this recipe next week!

  3. I killed off a double helping of these beans last night with a thick NY strip. It was glorious. Probably should have fried a couple over easy eggs to go with it.

  4. Chef , I have pinto beans but do you mean Adzuki ? For the red beans ? Ty love your cooking !!! Happy 4 th to you and yours !!

  5. This recipe garnered the most raves from our guests of any other I have tried – by far. Instead of buying 6 lbs of pork shoulder, I purchased chopped carnitas which are essentially cut up pork shoulder in 1 lb packages. I used Sweet Baby Ray original BBQ sauce. My 13×9 pans weren't quite large enough so I used straight sided 4 inch deep stainless half pan. This recipe made it into my 3 ring recipe binder, and few do. Thanks Chef!

  6. I'm from North Carolina and I'm not supposed to tell you this. Instead of the cubed pork, ad pieces of your whole hog bbq recipe just before you bake the beans

  7. Making this for the third time . My wife, 4 year old son, and I, love it!!!! Best beans we have ever eaten by far!!

  8. Ta make um better, ya shoulda added a shot or two of bourbon (from the rotgut variety), ya know…the stuff ya find down on the bottom shelf! That's how!

  9. I dub this as approval for the African American community. Chef John is invited to the cookout. All in favor say "aight". Aight.

  10. Got to say…something’s never change… Chef John RULES! You continue to be the best chef out there…numero uno.

  11. Lately I've been craving bbq baked beans and these look the most beautiful. Your recipes are always amazing chef John and you're also fun to watch.

  12. Nothing beats cooking with raw ingredients. Never open cans, once you taste these you realize you have never ate true baked beans ever.

  13. Did you grow up on a farm in southern Ohio? My mother did, and those could be her baked beans! Mom never cooked fancy food, just incredible food!❤️

  14. The soup looks delicious to us we love meaty soup……especially in the winter after we get done plowing snow. A hearty soup is excellent mea.l

  15. thank you chef john- i've never been disappointed by one of your recipes and i made this last weekend and it was superb. loads of jalapenos (home made) and it had a lovely glow – and such a deep, punchy flavour – will be making again for sure.

  16. I'm doing these again. This time using canned beans, but with no additives. No shoulder, but I've layered bacon, then beans, onion and garlic. And so on. Baked bean lasagna!

  17. Why drain off the water you soaked them in and then add water again before cooking? That's just a waste of water and there was nothing wrong with the water that didn't get soaked. It wasn't like the beans rejected it. The recipe calls for 3 quarts (or 12 cups) of water before cooking. Now you have way more water than you need to cook that (consequently it takes significantly more energy to heat). Even using 2 quarts left me with twice as much reserved liquid than was needed. As a general note: About 9 of the ingredients are basically barbecue sauce so when you add them to the 1 cup of barbecue sauce you might as well use 2 1/2 cup of the barbecue sauce to begin with.

  18. I'm no scientist, but a sous chef in a Michelin Star restaurant in the Bay Area. From what I know, scum skimming helps to avoid bitterness and excessive gamey taste. Secondly, it helps to make your broth or stock clearer. When making stock, the bones and vegies release proteins, fats, and carbs into the water. These impurities rise to the surface and form those scum bubbles. It can also contain bacteria; so, skimming can prevent it from spoiling too early. Hope that helps! Love your amazing content btw!

    I also went to Le cordon Bleu, I might use the dijon mustard then hahahhahaa

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