It somehow seems wrong naming a pasta salad after a dish specifically designed to be served before the pasta course, but if this incredibly delicious, colorful salad is wrong, I don’t want to be right. This would be great as a cookout side dish, or add a hunk of bread, and a glass of wine, and make it a meal all by itself. Enjoy!

For the fully formatted, printable, written recipe, follow this link:

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  1. And then it dawns on me, I am watching an Anti-Pasto recipe enriched with…🤔…pasta. Ahhh? 🤔🤔🤔🤔. Could we have simply been introduced to this recipe as a Pasta Salad recipe, for there is nothing like learning how to make an Anti-Pasto meal by a gourmet chef who also instructs us on how to make a great Spaghetti and Meatball meal, but prefers to prepared the dish with absent meatballs.😉! For some of us, the very purpose of viewing the recipe seems is to learn how to create such a treat.

    Seems to me, this recipe video qualifies as such: the desire to learn seems to fade like the legendary Concorde flight, departing Miami – Dade, only to realize the plane has never entered such a place simply because it cannot taxi on the airport’s narrow runway.🙄. 😉!!!

  2. It makes enough to feed a small Army! ……..we just 2 people…..(I knew I should have made more friends when I moved here. :-/

  3. I am really hoping he doesn't jack this up with cayenne pepper but I bet he does. Wow, he didn't…Elizabeth it's the big one.

  4. alot of great recipes from ya…but no….meat cut half inch n cheese also nooo pasta ….cheese,meat,olives,celery,pickled mushrooms n dressing…

  5. WHYDOESTHIS GUYtalk like this? … ISWEAREVERY SENTENCEis like this… NOMATTERWHATHE SAYit's like this… HEHASAVERY WEIRDcadence… ITISKINDA DIStrac ting…

  6. I've Made this 2 times…..It is a HUGE hit !!! Thank You SO much ! I LOVE it with Balsamic …. absolutely delicious 🙂

  7. great recipie .. may I mention this.. if you like garbanzos take half a can of pre cooked garbanzo beans drain the liquid and place them on a cutting board and corsly chop in to 3 parts .. then add it to the salad in this video.. IT MAKES A NICE DIFFERENCE!

  8. I would love to make this, but I am only cooking for one. This amount would never keep. It looks so delicious!

  9. I have watched so many YouTube food videos, this is by FAR the best one I have encountered! 👍🏽🤙🏼🙌🏻👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  10. This is delicious–made many times. I've used anchovy paste which is nice–keeps a long time. I don't like pasta salad much, but this is the exception.

  11. I've had my share of boring uninspired pasta salads but this antipasto pasta delight is simply mouth watering delicious. Made it twice already and since I realized it doesn't freeze well make sure you have loads of people to share with. I'm going to make half a recipe in the future if it's a smaller group. Honestly you could feed a dozen ppl and still have plenty left over with this recipe. Nothing wrong with leftovers but if it's just you and the missus you'll be eating pasta salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next two weeks. Absolutely one of my favorite Chef John creations. Cheers!

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